Want To Know The Best Ab Workout For Belly Fat Loss?

It's a common request: "Hamish, tell me the best ab workout for belly fat loss".

Well, guess what I tell them?

There isn't one! There is no ab workout that can burn enough calories alone to create a sufficient calorie deficit for noticeable belly fat loss.

As a self-proclaimed fitness fanatic and avid researcher of the best ways to flatten your stomach, people constantly grill me for info on the best exercises and workouts to shed stubborn stomach flab and unveil a trim and sexy waistline. While the questions aren't exactly "wrong", the issue is that most folks with unwanted belly fat think there's some kind of "magical ab workout" that will whittle their waistline down to visible abs while still eating hamburgers and guarding the couch (by sitting on it for extended periods).

Sorry people... You need to look at the problem from a different angle. See, ab workouts alone just won't cut it.

And while you folks keep spending your time and energy purely on ab workouts to get your excess love handles handled, you're missing out on the easiest and quickest way to strip stomach fat - through correct full body workout routines that will do the job safely and effectively.

Simply put: the best ab workout is actually a full body workout and would include the following multi-joint exercises:

Different types of squat, the lunge, the dead lift, the clean and press, the snatch, the kettlebell swing, different types press and pull exercises, the mountain climber, the semi-occasional sprint, and more.

Personally, I'd use this list to make up the majority of each workout and then chuck in some direct ab workout stuff for fun. See, a workout made up of exercises from the list above massively increases the calories burned during, and long after, each session. And the more calories you burn the more belly fat you're likely to lose. Sound fair enough? Great!

Please understand... I don't have anything against direct ab / core work, but I wouldn't base a whole workout on it because there are better options available to get better results faster. Whole body exercises elicit greater changes to your metabolism and hormone profile to create the best environment for fat loss. Plus, most whole body exercises greatly tax the midsection anyway - so you get your ab workout without having to do a single crunch!

Now you're clear about exercise there's another thing to consider, nutrition is probably the most crucial part of belly fat loss. In fact several scientific studies have proven, no matter how many crunches you do, if you're eating sucks you will never get a flat stomach - simple as that. Strangely, I think almost everyone knows this but some choose to ignore it. The availability of sugar laden / fat filled processed food makes healthy eating a lot harder (and maybe even a lot less enticing) than it used to be. However, if your diet isn't right the belly flab will not budge.

Summing this all up:

Crunches, leg raises and all that direct ab stuff is great as part of a whole body workout program. But steer away from ab workout routines where you're only doing abs and nothing else. Go for intense full body workouts made up of compound (multi-joint) exercises combined with a sound diet. Stay away from processed foods and drink plenty of water rather than sodas. Do all the things above and you'll be on the path a flat stomach and visible abs in no time.


If you'd like to learn more about the best ab workout, then please read below:

Discover Insider Secrets To Strip Stubborn Belly Fat With A Simple System Guaranteed To Deliver The Body You've Always Dreamed Of...

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hamish_Shephard